final fantasy vii - Uma visão geral
final fantasy vii - Uma visão geral
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The only difference between the standard and deluxe editions of the Twin Pack is that the digital deluxe one includes all the extras for Rebirth included in the Rebirth digital deluxe edition (see below).
In the town of Kalm Cloud tells the others his tale of the Nibelheim Incident, or what happened in the town five years ago, but his story is filled with gaps. Cloud tells that five years ago he and Sephiroth had been sent to Cloud's hometown to investigate the local mako reactor where Sephiroth had found Jenova, a creature Shinra took to be an Ancient, and who had been called Sephiroth's mother. Troubled by the discovery, Sephiroth had delved into his past and the Jenova Project—from which he was born—led by Professor Gast and the deranged Professor Hojo.
One of the game's major themes is identity, seen through the main protagonist Cloud and the main antagonist Sephiroth. Coping with physical and psychological trauma had Cloud assume the persona of his late mentor, Zack, leading to a deep confusion of the multiple personalities that inharmoniously coexist in his mind.
Cloud's party infiltrates the city to fight Hojo, who has taken command of the Sister Ray. Hojo is trying to re-fire it, even if it would obliterate Midgar. Cloud and his friends fight their way through the remaining forces of Shinra to reach Hojo, who reveals he wishes to give Sephiroth a "boost" from the Sister Ray's power; the party learns Hojo is Sephiroth's father and thus directly responsible for the crisis facing the planet. Despite the power he has gained by injecting himself with Jenova cells, Hojo is defeated.
Cloud and Tifa stumble upon an illusion of the events that took place in Nibelheim five years ago and Sephiroth shows Cloud was never there, his role taken by a man called Zack. Tifa cannot refute Sephiroth's claims, and Cloud begins to believe they are true. Sephiroth claims Cloud is but a facsimile created by Hojo, a puppet with false memories posing as a boy "Cloud" Tifa knows from her childhood.
A more recent FF7R preview takes us part-way through the very first chapter. "What I enjoy most about my time in Kalm, though, is the way it introduces me to one of the new features of Rebirth – and it's one that gets right to the heart of what makes me so excited for the follow-up," Senior Staff Writer Heather Wald writes.
The first piece that Uematsu composed for the game was the opening theme; game director Yoshinori Kitase showed him the opening cinematic and asked him to begin the project there. The track was well received in the company, which gave Uematsu "a sense that it was going to be a really good project". Final Fantasy VII was the first game in the series to include a track with high-quality digitized vocals, "One-Winged Angel", which accompanies a section of the final final fantasy 7 rebirth battle of the game.
"One-Winged Angel", the theme used during a part of the final battle against Sephiroth, is recognized by many as one of Uematsu's best works. The track uses high-quality digitized voices, a first for the series.
Cloud and Tifa have nowhere to go and spend the night together under the stars. The next morning, the others return and Cloud thanks them. Reminded of Aeris's hope and smile even in the face of death, the party is driven to ensure her deeds aren't wasted.
Set in a post-industrial fantasy world that has fallen under the control of the shadowy Shinra Electric Power Company, take on the role of Cloud Strife - a mercenary and former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit - and team up with anti-Shinra organization Avalanche as they step-up their resistance.
There’s a lot to see in the new footage: A fully controllable Red XIII! Yuffie’s part of the team! Massive-scale boss fights! Rideable chocobos! An expansive and beautiful world!
There are five other examples of audible vocalization in the game: in the FMV sequence when Midgar's Sector 7 plate is collapsing onto the slum underneath, the slum's residents give a frightened scream. At the end of this sequence, President Shinra observes the chaos below from his top floor office in Shinra Tower listening to opera music. The sound of pilots and/or air traffic control can be heard communicating when Cloud first arrives in Upper Junon airport.
As the first three dimensional title in the series, the default camera setting moves it throughout the battle to focus on the command being used and their effects, unlike previous entries where the camera was fixed on a top-down position. Growth[]
While pelo release date for the third and final installment has been mentioned, we likely won't be waiting quite as long to see how the story ends. Creative director Tetsuya Nomura stated the team is already working on part three.